Log in to LMS - Faculty of Science
Log in using your account on:
Is this your first time here?
To Students:
Every student is hereby requested NOT to republish materials available in the LMS anywhere. Publication of these materials will be considered as a violation of copyright, for which legal action will be taken.
To Staff:
The LMS should be used to distribute materials you own or you have a license to use. Software Applications, Books, Videos, etc. should have the proper license to distribute through the LMS.
For undergraduate students :
User name
Student registration number without slashes followed by "@stu.cmb.ac.lk" is your username for the Learning Management System (LMS). Eg: 2008s10300@stu.cmb.ac.lk
The password used for the Students' Information System(SIS) will be the password for LMS also.
For postgraduate students :
If you are an MSc student and registered for LMS, please use MSc LMS (http://sci.cmb.ac.lk/msc/lms/) For more details please contact your MSc coordinator.
If you are a postgraduate student other than an MSc student, Please contact ITSC, Faculty of Science for details.
For external degree students :
If you are an external degree student and registered for LMS, please use EDP LMS (http://sci.cmb.ac.lk/edp/lms/) For more details please contact your EDP coordinator.
For other users :
For other users (ie. lecturers, demonstrators, instructors, course coordinators etc.) please contact ITU for getting accounts and other issues.